I know tonight is new years eve and I'm supposed to be hanging out with friends, going to parties and getting a fabulously timed kiss, but this year it's not gonna be all that. Hopefully next year though. This year instead I found out some pretty bad news.
Not something you want to start your new year with, right?
I'm staying hopeful. I'm wishing that with a bad start, the rest of the year will be pretty decent. I mean, come on. It's the year after the unlucky number 13. It's got to be amazing.
Only, to have a good year we've all got to make some resolutions. Y'know the ones we say we're gonna do and then stop once February hits. But this time I'm gonna pinch myself once I start stopping. I am literally going to force myself to do this. Most of my resolutions this year are things that I really reaalllyyy want and if I last I will be so happy with myself. So proud.
It's going to be hard work and I'm gonna hate myself on most days, but if at the end of 2014 I'm finished, I'll be so happy. I'll just give myself a pat on the back and be like "Alex. You did it." and it'll be enough to push me through the next year.

Be healthy and lose wight
Every girls dream, right? I've been trying to do this for years and it's always been an on and off thing. But as of this moment I am the heaviest I've ever been and I know that I'll feel so much better if I achieve this. And I know I should learn to love me how I am and image isn't everything but it's not just to look good... it's to feel good.
Go off sugar
Oh I know I'm not gonna be perfect at this. I mean, chocolate. But definitely a lot less.
Eat Breakfast
This is definitely something I really struggle with and I know others do too. But I know that I will thank myself if I do this every morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Get a Job
Yeah, remember me? The jobless non-college girl? I need to learn how to support my own weight and it's actually kind of lame that I don't have a job.
Take better care of myself
Another thing I struggle with. The whole wash my face at night and put lotion on every morning and night thing. Stuff like that, that I get really lazy with I'll be also doing.
Read the Book of Mormon
I've done it before, but it's always, always, always a good goal to do continually. Besides I've been slacking lately and it's one of the most important things I need in my life right now.
For all you Mormon's out there, I want you to try and do this as well! You will literally see things in a different light and life will be better even on bad days.
And for all you non Mormon's this is my faith. And the Book of Mormon is basically the core of it.
Take a photography class
I want to get better at my hobby and I think that this is the best way to achieve that. Besides I promised a friend I would take a college class and I think this counts.
Be and inspiration
Another one of my dreams that I've always wanted to do and I don't know how I'm gonna do this, but I'm going to figure it out.
Record and write songs and duets
Music is one of my favorite things and I've always wanted to be a famous singer. I know it's unlikely to happen, but it's no reason to not continue and have fun with it. Look for my arrangements and songs. ;)
I know I need to give more, as does everyone. And it's something I really want to focus on because there's always something you can do.
Be happy
Fake it till you make it, I always say. Seriously, if you're happy people will notice and they will be happy and then everyone will be! People will like to be around you and you'll feel good about yourself. And smile. Like, as much as you can. If you're in a mood smile for 20 seconds and it literally improves your mood. It's my new tactic.
Love your friends, love your enemies, love your family and most importantly: love yourself.
So there they are, folks.
I don't know if anyone is gonna read this but I hope you enjoy it. And I hope you have a great, great new year full of happiness and good things.
Cheers to 2014!
+--- A